2024 Conservation Summit: Amplifying Local Voices

Thank you for attending our 2024 Virtual Annual Summit on Thursday, September 5, 2024! We were greatly enthused by the turnout, with nearly 70 participants joining the call to find out about AVCC’s latest activities. As we plan our programming for the coming year, we encourage you to reach out to the AVCC Board at vtconservation@gmail.com with any comments, questions, and/or webinar ideas.

We would like to extend our deep gratitude to our four presenters, Steve Harrington from the Middletown Springs Conservation Commission, Willow Uth from the Putney Conservation Commission (with additional contributions from Gino Palmeri), Krista Karlson from the Thetford Conservation Commission, and Julie Frost from the Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources at UVM. More details, including links to their presentations, can be found below.

Speaking of gratitude, we bid a fond farewell to Mark Nelson, Chair of the Ripton Conservation Commission, who is departing the AVCC after six years of service. As Board Chair, Mark stewarded the organization through the pandemic, leaving us on strong footing thanks to his thoughtful and dedicated leadership. We know Mark will continue working for the benefit of Vermont’s forests and communities, and we wish him the best in the years ahead. Thanks, Mark!

We also want to congratulate Greta Hasler and Gannon Osborn on their election to the AVCC Board! They both bring great experience to the Board, and we look forward to working with them over the next three years.

Greta Hasler
Greta joined the AVCC Board while serving as Communications Director at Vermont Natural Resources Council (VNRC), and currently works as Communications Director for Vermont State University. She is an active member of the Cambridge Conservation Commission, and draws on her experience in advocacy and engagement around climate and energy policy, responsible resource management and food system resiliency. She was formerly on the outreach team at U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders’ Vermont office, led clean water permitting for agriculture at the Maryland Department of the Environment, and supported renewable energy policy work at both the Sierra Club and 350Vermont.

Gannon Osborn
Gannon is the Land Conservation Program Manager with the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation (FPR), where he has worked since 2018. In this position, he works to conserve land through additions to State Parks and State Forests, as well as conservation easements held by FPR. Gannon has experience working with local land trusts in regional land conservation and conservation stewardship, as well as in environmental consulting. Outside of work, he enjoys exploring the outdoors in all manners and all seasons, cooking over an open fire, traveling to new places, hunting down the best general store baked goods, and relaxing with a good book.

We hope you’ll join us again next month for our panel on regional collaboration at the 2024 Statewide Conservation Conference in Randolph. Registration is now open: Sowing Seeds: Conservation Connections For A Resilient Future.

Middletown Springs Conservation Commission
Steve Harrington spoke about the commission’s efforts to educate residents on issues of conservation through the town’s forest, the Sullivan Educational Woods. Middletown Springs received a 2024 Tiny Grant to construct a bridge on their hiking trail, making the path safer and more user-friendly while also protecting the stream from disturbance.

Watch the presentation / View the slideshow

Putney Conservation Commission
Willow Uth detailed Putney’s efforts to manage invasive species in the East Putney Forest Block, an important wildlife habitat and corridor connecting forested land on either side of Route 5. The commission used funds from a 2023 Tiny Grant to purchase special girdling knives and uprooter tools, and they’ve engaged local experts in the fight against buckthorn and Japanese stiltgrass.

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Thetford Conservation Commission
Krista Karlson talked about recruiting volunteers to implement Thetford’s recently updated Town Lands Management Plan, which the commission helped craft. Funds from their 2024 Tiny Grant will be used to purchase supplies for painting boundary lines, wildlife monitoring, invasive species management and more in the Town Forest, Hughes Forest, Post Mills Nature Area, and Taylor Floodplain Preserve.

Watch the presentation / View the slideshow
Contact the Commission
Read the Thetford Town Lands Management Plan

Vermont Town Forest Census Project
Julie Frost updated AVCC members on efforts underway to inventory municipally-owned town forests across Vermont and better understand their current governance, usage, accessibility, and stewardship. Once the census is complete, the researchers will put together a map of all town forests, with a public database with details about acreage, location, key contacts, and more. The Town Forest Census Project is a collaboration between the Vermont Department of Forest, Parks and Recreation and the University of Vermont.

Watch the presentation / View the slideshow
Contact the Researchers
Click Here to Access the Town Forest Stewardship Toolkit