Category Archives: Board Announcements

AVCC is Looking for New Board Members

On the eve of our 35th anniversary, the Association of Vermont Conservation Commissions (AVCC) is looking to add two conservation-minded individuals to our all-volunteer Board of Directors to help govern and guide the organization.  

Specifically, we’re looking for individuals committed to our mission to support Vermont’s existing conservation commissions and encourage the establishment of new ones.  Current or former conservation commission members are especially welcome, but the position is open to anyone with knowledge, experience, interest and/or availability who is looking to make a difference across Vermont.  A more detailed description of the functions of the Board and responsibilities of its members can be found below the break.  

If you or anyone you know might be interested in serving in this capacity, please send an email to the AVCC Board at with the subject line “AVCC Board Membership”.  We look forward to improving the reach and impact of our work in 2024, and we hope you’ll join us in these efforts!

AVCC Board of Directors

The Functions of the Board

The Board governs the operation and programs of AVCC including:

  • Long range planning and setting matters of policy not determined by membership;
  • Maintaining and upgrading the organization’s mission, values, and vision;
  • Fiscal management and maintaining accountability to members and donors;
  • Developing, reviewing and approving the annual budget, major program plans, and organizational policies;
  • Ensuring that adequate resources are available to AVCC;
  • Meeting the general standards for Directors under 11B V.S.A. § 8.30;
  • Evaluating the organization’s effectiveness; and
  • Representing the organization to the public.

The Board assumes fiscal and legal accountability for the organization.


A Board member should:

  • Be committed to the vision, mission, goals and programs of AVCC;
  • Have available time to work to advance these goals and programs; and
  • Have experience, knowledge, or interest in one or more of the following: building capacity of conservation commissions, conservation programs, public and community relations


  • Exemplifies and upholds AVCC’s values;
  • Maintains a working knowledge of AVCC’s finances, operations, and programs;
  • If appointed an officer, fulfills the standards of conduct under 11B V.S.A. § 8.42;
  • Faithfully attends and prepares for Board and committee meetings;
  • Fully and openly participates in Board and committee deliberations
    • Questions with an open and curious mind;
    • Respects, listens and learns from others;
    • Maintains independence and objectivity;
    • Advocates according to conviction; and
    • Strives toward consensus and respects majority decisions
  • Actively collaborates in the creation of program strategies

Board Terms

Directors appointed by Vermont Natural Resources Council (VNRC) serve five-year terms.  Directors elected by AVCC membership serve three-year terms. There are no term limits.

Board Meetings

Full Board meetings will be held at dates and locations to be determined by the Board. The Board currently meets virtually for 90 minutes on the first Tuesday of every month.


Board members should keep information learned during the course of AVCC activities in confidence when the information concerns the administration and activities of the organization and is not generally available to the public. No Board member shall obligate AVCC financially or publicly to an issue or program without prior authorization by the full Board.

Conflict of Interest

Board members are governed by the statutory conflict of interest policy described in 11B V.S.A. § 8.31. Board members must endeavor to conduct all activities in such a way that no conflict or appearances of conflict will arise between other interests and the policies, operations, and interests of AVCC. Activities that conflict or appear to conflict and cannot be avoided shall be brought to the attention of the Board at the earliest opportunity.