2021 Conservation Summit: Caring for the Land

Thanks to everyone who organized, presented and attended our 2021 summit! Though the COVID pandemic again forced us to go entirely virtual, we were nonetheless able to meet and immerse ourselves in several interesting and related topics. In her opening session, Judy Dow set the scene of “going through the Narrows” as a metaphor for the path ahead in a world of changing climate and helped us focus ourselves on this journey and the path ahead. Then, Dr. Bill Keaton addressed the caring for the land theme with “Carbon Friendly Forests and Forestry” breaking out the key points landowners and conservationists need to know about the basics of carbon forestry and carbon markets. From there, Lynn McNamara and Zapata Courage delved into “Balancing Recreation and Ecological Goals” in our land management with wonderful insights into wetland management and examples from The Nature Conservancy’s stewardship of Raven Ridge. Alicia Daniels took us “On the Trail of Wildlife with a Vermont Master Naturalist” and we were able to do a virtual hike to Raven Ridge understanding the same place with a different lens as she addressed how appreciation of the landscape helps bring people to manage it with love and respect. Lastly, Judy Dow offered the keynote address, bringing together all these themes and engaging participants in a lively discussion. Many thanks to our presenters, sponsors, and participants and especially to Judy Dow for her leadership in this effort!