An Enduring Place Publication

An Enduring Place' is a 36 page document that describes the unique connection between the landscape of the Worcester range through the Northeast Highlands and the people that live there. Through articles of business leaders of the region, captivating photographs, and an emphasis on interactions landscape-human interactions, 'An Enduring Place' paints a picture of the region in a compelling manner. The document was written by Tom Slatten, a well-known author from Vermont who was able to condu.. Read More

South of Rt. 9 Integrated Research Project

The South of Rt. 9 Integrated Resource Project is a comprehensive assessment and series of improvement projects that aims to improve the ecological integrity and recreational value of the southernmost tip of the Green Mountain National Forest. Led by the US Forest Service, staff lead an informal assessment and collaboration effort, and then a formal 'scoping' process that opens up to the community for recommendations and feedback on the service's proposal. The actual assessment process involv.. Read More

Shrewsbury Wildlife Overlay District

In 2008, along with the town plan update, Shrewsbury outlined zoning regulations to more accurately reflect the town's desires as stated in the Town Plan with respect to the preservation of natural resources. Jens Hilke, a Conservation Planning Biologist with the Agency of Natural Resources was able to develop a habitat suitability map for species moving through Shrewsbury that could better identify priority areas that would need protection. Habitat fragmentation was a primary concern as dev.. Read More

Year of the Tree, Year of the Habitat event series

In 2012, the conservation commissions of two neighboring towns West Fairlee and Thetford organized a series of educational events called 'Year of the Tree' that provided various interactive activities or talks that revolved around the theme of trees. The purpose of this event series was to raise interest about the various projects that the two conservation commissions were involved with as well as spark an interest in people of all age groups about Vermont's natural resources. The purpose of .. Read More

Fairbanks Museum: Community of Observers

The Fairbanks Museum: Community of Observers is a citizen science based program for the state of Vermont, New Hampshire, and selective sections of New York, Massachusetts, Maine and Southern Canada. The Fairbanks Museum began approximately 120 years ago recording weather conditions fours time daily. Data collection has been expanded to include weather, flowers, butterflies and avian species. The museum aims to highlight the synchronization of weather patterns with flower blooms, butterfly a.. Read More

Crown Jewel Walks

For the past few years, the Thetford Conservation Commission (TCC) has asked select landowners if TCC members might walk their properties.The purpose of these "Crown Jewel Walks" is both to offer information to Thetford residents, but also to help the Conservation Commission know what properties in town are truly special.The walks usually include several TCC members who are particularly knowledgeable about flora and fauna and can point out interesting features of someone's land. After each walk,.. Read More

Burlington Climate Action Plan

The Climate Action Plan was initiated and developed by then Mayor Peter Clavelle and the Burlington City Council in 1998. The plan was then adopted by the City Council in May of 2000. The objectives of the Climate Action Plan are to reduce the impacts on human health, forests and agricultural land, winter recreation, along with the infrastructure/land and the correlation to water quality. Ultimately, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions within Burlington and the potentially the greate.. Read More

Orange Town Update

The Orange Town Update was implemented as a result of increase hurricane occurrences and FEMA funding qualification regulation changes. The town plan is a political exercise, but not directly a conservation project for towns that are categorized under Vermont's Act 250. To qualify for potential FEMA funding in the event of future natural disasters, the town plan must be current and up to the standards set by the Regional Planning Commission. As of December of 2011, the Orange Town Plan was.. Read More

Lincoln Conservation Commission

The town of Lincoln, Vermont resides at the foot of Mount Abraham across approximately 44 square miles with a resident population of about 1,200 people. Approximately one-third of the town of Lincoln is a part of the Green Mountain National Forest, which reduces development pressure and encroachment on open lands. The Lincoln Conservation Commission is involved in various projects regarding land and wildlife conservation. The Lincoln Conservation Commission is committed to the conservation o.. Read More

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