Cold Hollow To Canada

Cold Hollow to Canada is a non-profit organization that started in 2007 and was fully developed in 2009. The organization was formed from a shared commitment to the regions forests and wildlife and a recognition of the value they have to the communities within the region. An initial partnership with the Staying Connected initiative provided significant resources upon which to build the organization. Their vision is a healthy and intact forest landscape that can support a strong and sustainabl.. Read More

Dummerston Biodiversity Inventory Report

The Dummerston Biodiversity Inventory Report was fueled by a partnership between the Dummerston Conservation Commission and the Bonnyvale Environmental Education Center. This report was inspired by the Vermont Biodiversity Project, which suggests that inventories be carried out on a community/town scale. Using the Vermont Department of Fish & Wildlife's document "Conserving Vermont's Natural Heritage" as a guideline, these two organizations came together to develop a conservation plan that wo.. Read More

Volunteer Recruitment for Invasive Species Control

The Charlotte Conservation Commission in partnership with Lewis Creek Association have conducted an ambitious volunteer based invasive plant control project. The project site is the Thorp/Kimball 50 acre wetland complex, adjacent to Town Farm Bay of Lake Champlain. European frogbit, a floating aquatic plant was first discovered in the wetland in 2007. At the time, it was estimated to have covered 50% of the open water. With the support of DEC and funding from Green Mountain Coffee Roaste.. Read More

Creation of the Granville Conservation Commission

Granville was severely affected by tropical storm Irene in 2011, which lead to FEMA purchasing two properties along the White River, totaling 5 acres. The town of Grandville has since acquired the land, which spurred community members to think about creating a conservation commission. In 2013 a petition was circulated to have a town meeting to vote on forming a conservation commission. The town voted in favor and four people were found to join the commission. They meet quarterly and as of.. Read More

Formation of the Montgomery Conservation Commission

The Montgomery Conservation Commission was created in 2010 with the assistance of a regional conservation partnership, Cold Hollow to Canada, that works to conserve the northern forest and assist conservation commissions. The partnership provided advice and mentoring to get the Montgomery Conservation Commission started.
A group of interested town members proposed creating the commission at town meeting, framing it as 'our town is beautiful and unique and if there are things we can do.. Read More

Zoning Changes in the Town of Enosburg, 2013

As the Enosburgh Town by-laws became due for update the Town Conservation Commission saw an opportunity to improve the town plan to further protect the natural resources in the town. In partnership with Cold Hollow to Canada the commission applied for and received the Davis Grant, administered through the Vermont Natural Resource Council (VNRC) to look at the town plan in respects to how it could improve wildlife habitat and prevent fragmentation.

Based on the information gathered .. Read More

Essex Conservation Reserve Fund

For many years, the Town of Essex was one of only a few in Chittenden County to have a significant amount undeveloped land, but no conservation fund to encourage its protection, even after the 1989 Open Lands Study recommended creating a fund or local land trust. Seeing continued rates of rural development, in 2014 the Conservation Committee began re-evaluating previous failed measures to create a fund in 1990 and 1991 to understand how to make another effort successful. After researching the.. Read More

Bat Houses Building Project

Starting in June 2017, a community volunteer, Phillip Wilson provided background information and building plans for a Conservation Commission sponsored bat house project. Phil built two prototypes and prepared literature for a public presentation which he gave in July at a well attended community program. On October 7, 2017 volunteers and Conservation Commissioners joined Phil to build and paint 12 bat houses. Several smaller bat houses were donated to the project. In March, siting location.. Read More