Update of Cornwall’s Town Plan: The creation of the Cornwall Conservation Commission
Funding, Inventory, Land Protection, Town Plan
Through the update of the town plan, Cornwall established a conservation commission that has been able to work effectively with the planning commission and select board to advise decision making that regards natural resources. In 2013, Cornwall was able to hire an environmental consultant to complete a natural resource inventory for the town. Seventy nine natural areas were identified in the town and field data was collected for 19 of the most important sites. The inventory report will be on file for residents in mid-May of 2015.
Cornwall Select Board
Cornwall Planning Commission
The creation of the Conservation Commission, the completion of the natural resources inventory as well as other important revisions to the now-two town plans (2005 and 2013) can be attributed to the energy, dedication, and staying power of volunteer residents of Cornwall; some of whom had learned all-too-well in 2004 how important it is to have detailed information on important natural features available for review when evaluating the impact of development.
One of the greatest hurdles for the Conservation Commission turned out to be the application process to secure the money needed to conduct the inventory. In 2011, encouraged by the Select Board and the Planning Commission, the Conservation Commission began to actively explore funding options. Ultimately, CC received grants from five different sources. This, plus some matching funds from the town, made it possible for the Commission to hire an ecological consultant in 2013 to complete the inventory.