Silver Lake Woods – Georgia’s Gem

In February 2017, the town of Georgia along with help from Vermont Land Trust purchased and conserved a property now called Silver Lake Woods. The land is comprised of 179 acres of predominantly forested land located in East Georgia at the end of the Class IV section of Silver Lake Rd. The land ranges from level or mildly sloping to quite steep among some small cliffs and ledge outcroppings. The parcel includes several forest types including a mixed pine-hemlock-hardwood community, a hemlock forest, a northern hardwood forest, and a red pine and Norway spruce plantations. The property had a couple dead end trails on it and in 2019 the Georgia Conservation Commission worked with VYCC to build a connector trail to complete a large loop around the property. Many people ask about the property, but some are afraid of going off trail, without someone leading them. The trail marking and signs should help this.

The Georgia Conservation Commission focused on improving the trail leading up to the property last year. We bid out the job and hired Rabbit Tracks, a contractor, to remove a damaged culvert and replace it with a ford crossing, as well as ditch the trail and add water bars. This was after getting approval from several state agencies. The commission members built two small bridges for water crossings, and installed a kiosk. We also purchased trail paint and marked four trails in Silver Lake Woods. Most recently we got some instructive signs. Due to the pandemic the trail usage went way up in 2020, and continues to be high in 2021. The local elementary school took several classes on a field trip in Silver Lake Woods recently too.

Project Contact: Suzanna Brown
Project Contact Email:
Year Project Started: 2017
Year Completed: 2021
Project Lifespan: 2017-2021
Regional Planning Commision: Northwest Regional Planning Commission
Land Protection
Other Keywords: Town Forest, trails, wildlife, nature
Project Accomplishments:

Marked the trails

Removed a dangerous culvert

built two foot bridges

installed a kiosk

put up signs

Project Partners:

Georgia Conservation Commission
Vermont Land Trust
Rabbit Tracks
Agency of Natural Resources
Vermont Local Roads
Vermont Fish and Wildlife


Replacing the damaged culvert was learning experience, as the size of the new culvert, based on the state requirements was going need to be much larger than the old one and much too expensive for us. We worked with the state (Vt Local Roads, Vt Fish and Wildlife and Agency of Natural Resources) to come up with another option that was affordable and accomplished what we needed.