Science To Action: Huntington
The town of Huntington is under the least amount of development pressure of the four participating towns, including the protected Camels Hump State Park, and Robbins Mountain Wildlife Management Area. Despite the reduced future threat, Huntington's goals have included identifying natural resource areas and improving regulations that concern their protection. The prevention of forest fragmentation and the delineation of wetlands are two of the top priorities. While the Science to Action plan was ongoing, Huntington was already revising its town plan; the inventory has provided valuable information to landowners and town planners with regard to protecting the natural resources they care about.
Forest Land, Inventory, Land Protection, Town Plan, wildlife
Huntington's use of the inventory is ongoing. The information provided has already proved useful to inform town planning and zoning laws.
Huntington Conservation Commission
Huntington Select Board
Huntington Planning Commission
Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department
Arrowwood Environmental
Vermont Natural Resources Council
Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission
Vermont Department of Forest Parks and Recreation
Everett Marshall of Vermont Fish and Wildlife identified energetic volunteers as a critical part of the project's success. The ability of the volunteers to connect and organize among each other provided a network that was able to keep the project going. Despite the fact that everyone is busy, volunteers found the time to meet and complete the field work. It appears that the sentiment of Huntington being a very special place to its residents provides individuals with the motivation to protect its natural areas.
On the ground site visits by Arrowwod staff for the inventory were limited in Huntington because of difficulty in obtaining permission to visit private land due to fears of concerned landowners.