Science To Action: Bolton

Bolton has a lower population density than the other three towns involved in the Science to Action project. Over 50 percent of Bolton's land is conserved which contrasts sharply with the towns such as Richmond or Jericho that face heavy development pressure. Bolton also experiences a reasonable amount of logging activity, and features a large ski resort that results in a constant process of reviewing proposed actions. The towns goals with the Science to Action project were to effectively protect natural communities that are endangered or threatened, and obtain a clearer picture of the possible effects of climate change. Particular attention is paid to managing and maintaining what is already preserved as well as regulate high altitude natural communities that are not present in the other three towns.

Project Contact: Amy Ludwin
Project Contact Email:
Year Completed: 2013
Project Lifespan: 2011-2013
Regional Planning Commision: Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission
Bylaws, Forest Land, Inventory, Land Management, Town Plan, wildlife
Project Accomplishments:

Bolton has been able to utilize information from the Science to Action project in reviewing development applications as well as developing management strategies to maintain and manage their large existing conserved areas.

Project Partners:

Vermont Natural Resources Council
Chittenden County Planning Commission
Vermont Forest Parks and Recreation Department
Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department
Arrowwood Environmental
Bolton Select Board
Bolton Conservation Commission
Bolton Planning Commission
Sue Morse & Keeping Track

Critical to Success:

This project was possible in Bolton due to a high degree of communication between the local planning commission and conservation commission. By utilizing the various strengths of people from multiple organizations and the knowledge of the residents, the two commissions were able to tackle complex problems and make a great deal of information useful.


Challenges for Bolton throughout this project were initially bringing everyone on the select board and planning commission up to speed with the details of the project as the ball was already rolling by the time Bolton got on board. This was a time consuming process, however ultimately led to the approval and support of the project.