Jericho Pollinator Garden Expansion and Tree Care Education

The Jericho Conservation Commission is always looking for ways to expand our existing public Pollinator Gardens. The first component of our AVCC Tiny-grant project is a new garden located near the sidewalk in front of our Town Hall. During Phase 1 (2022) after several diseased Red Maples were removed by the Town we replaced them with four new Serviceberry Trees purchased from the Native Plant Trust. During Phase 2 (funded by the AVCC grant) we added a section of pollinator plants to the beds surrounding the trees. This garden serves as an example of best practices for using pollinator plants in landscaping and we hope to add signage in 2024 so visitors to Town Hall can educate themselves the importance of adding pollinator habitat to our homes, businesses and parks. The second component of our project was an education campaign to protect the trees on our Town Green from further damage from heavy foot traffic, soil compaction, and lawn equipment. We identified 3 Sugar Maples to use as examples. Using Heather Holms' "soft landings" model of habitat creation for lepidopterans and other insects and animals we used shade-tolerant native plants to create an understory within the drip line of each tree. We used decorative fencing to cordon off the area and allowed leaves to collect within the planted areas as additional material for overwintering insects and soil-building. These project areas help Jericho's Conservation Commission meet a broader goal of public education to highlight the importance of wildlife habitat in our communities.

Project Contact: Sabina Ernst
Project Contact Email:
Year Project Started: 2022
Year Completed: 2023
Project Lifespan: 2023-present
Regional Planning Commision: Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission
Other Keywords: Pollinator
Project Accomplishments:

This project allowed the Conservation Commission to expand pollinator habitat in some of Jericho's public spaces. We hope to continue to use these gardens as teaching spaces whenever the opportunity for education and outreach are planned. One example was the opportunity to connect with residents during our Town Green Tree Celebration (Sept. 2023) where using a self-guided "Tree Walk'' we were able to teach visitors about the ecological importance of some of the trees in the life cycle of insects, birds, and other animals and direct them to information about the "soft landing" plants under the trees. Younger participants were able to fill out a "Tree Passport'' where they could record ‘facts’ provided in signs along the "Tree Walk".

Project Partners:

Town of Jericho
Jericho Selectboard
Jericho Conservation Commission
Jericho Town Library
Full Circle Nursery
Vermont Wetland Supply
Riverberry Farm and Pollinator Plants

Critical to Success:

Success of the project relied on volunteers from the Conservation Commission to prepare the beds and install the gardens. Volunteers from the community-at-large helped with weeding. Conservation commission members with knowledge of native plants provided planting advice.


Very hot, dry weather at the start of the project meant extra watering of the newly transplanted plugs.

Project Picture: Jericho Conservation Commission Public Garden spaces