Huntington River Conservation Partnership

Annual water quality monitoring of the Huntington River, focused on e.coli and public notification during the swimming/recreation season. Volunteers coordinate and sample 13+ sites in the watershed weekly, with monthly samples at mouths of major tributaries. Samples are processed by Vt. DEC Larosa Lab under a Larosa Partnership Grant. Results are reported back to residents and those interested via an email distribution list and a website.

Project Contact: Aaron Worthley
Project Contact Email:
Year Project Started: 2002
Project Lifespan: 2002-2006 Huntington only, 2006-present Huntington & Richmond jointly
Huntington, Richmond
Regional Planning Commision: Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission
Citizen Science, partnerships, water
Project Accomplishments:

Huntington utilized the information to support zoning changes restricting stream and buffer encroachments.

Project Partners:

Huntington Conservation Commission
Richmond Conservation Commission
Vt DEC Larosa Partnership Program

Critical to Success:

This is an all volunteer activity initiated by the Huntington Conservation Commission. Currently the project is led and managed by 1 former member from each of the Richmond and Huntington Conservation Commissions.


Always a challenge to rally enough volunteers for the fairly rigorous sampling schedule. It's difficult to detect direct causation for e.coli bacteria contamination in watersheds such as the Huntington River.

Project Picture: