Huntington River Conservation Partnership
Annual water quality monitoring of the Huntington River, focused on e.coli and public notification during the swimming/recreation season. Volunteers coordinate and sample 13+ sites in the watershed weekly, with monthly samples at mouths of major tributaries. Samples are processed by Vt. DEC Larosa Lab under a Larosa Partnership Grant. Results are reported back to residents and those interested via an email distribution list and a website.
Huntington, Richmond
Citizen Science, partnerships, water
Huntington utilized the information to support zoning changes restricting stream and buffer encroachments.
Huntington Conservation Commission
Richmond Conservation Commission
Vt DEC Larosa Partnership Program
This is an all volunteer activity initiated by the Huntington Conservation Commission. Currently the project is led and managed by 1 former member from each of the Richmond and Huntington Conservation Commissions.
Always a challenge to rally enough volunteers for the fairly rigorous sampling schedule. It's difficult to detect direct causation for e.coli bacteria contamination in watersheds such as the Huntington River.