Forest Management Plan: Town of Burke Municipal Forest

Funding from AVCC allowed the Burke Conservation Commission to Hire Northwoods Stewardship Center to write a Forest Management Plan for a town forest in Burke, Vermont. The Town forest is 9.4 acres of primarily softwood, with some hardwood, a small perennial stream, and a forested wetland. Although, not particularly usable for human recreation, it offers excellent wildlife habitat.

Project Contact: Elise Lawson
Project Contact Email:
Year Project Started: 2017
Year Completed: 2018
Project Lifespan: 2017-2018
Regional Planning Commision: Northeastern Vermont Development Association
Forest Land, Inventory, Land Management
Other Keywords: Forest Management Plan
Project Accomplishments:

The management plan recognized the following goals and objectives stated by the Burke Conservation Commission:

1. Conserve wildlife and wildlife habitat

a. Identify and protect different types of habitat/unique features

b. Provide diversity of vegetation

c. Monitor for invasive species

d. Plan for future wildlife surveys such as a songbird count or small mammal inventory

2. Improve ecological value

a. Protect sensitive natural areas such as the Northern White Cedar Swamp located on the property

b. Take appropriate control measures when invasive plants are found

c. Retain downed woody debris for insect and fungi habitat and to promote biodiversity

d. Promote a diverse mix of tree species that are best suited to the site conditions to maximize forest health and productivity

e. Anticipate future climate change impacts and manage for a resilient forest and species composition that is well adapted

f. Maintain stream buffer to protect this ecologically sensitive area

Project Partners:

Burke Conservation Commission
Northwoods Stewardship Center

Reference Documents: