
Join AVCC! Great things happen when committed Vermonters work together, on the ground, in our communities.

AVCC memberships are effective for the calendar year ​and are due in January.

We offer two types of membership, organizational ($50) and individual ($20). Check this list to see if your commission is a dues-paid member of AVCC this year. If you’re still unsure if your commission is a dues-paid member of AVCC this year, email

    Membership Form

    Please provide the following contact information for the chair or contact person:


    Name of group, please include town (if applicable)


    Your Email


    Memberships run through the calendar year. What year(s) are you registering for?

    Membership dues are:

    Conservation Commission (per year): $50

    Individual (per year): $20

    This is a membership for a:

    Conservation CommissionIndividualOther (please fill in amount)


    Payment type (PayPal, Credit Card, Check)

    If this is a Commission membership, please list names and emails of members:


    Clicking "Join" below emails the registration form to AVCC

    WAIT! You're still not done. Now you need to pay.
    Please submit payment for your membership dues via PayPal or credit card via the form below or send a check to the address below.
    Membership is not valid until payment has been received.

    Payment via PayPal
    Other Amount
    Your Name:

    Or, send a check to:

    Vermont Association of Conservation Commissions
    c/o Vermont Natural Resources Council
    11 Baldwin Street
    Montpelier, VT 05602

    You can also print and fill out the following form and mail a check to the above address.

    AVCC Membership Form

    Thank you for your support of AVCC!
    For more info please email