Course Registration

Caring for Natural Resources:  Taking Action In Your Community.

Dates:  March 27 and April 3 2019

Time:  6:00-8:00pm

Location:  Hyde Park Municipal Office

This course helps participants choose locally appropriate land use planning strategies for conserving natural resources.  We’ll use case studies and exercises to show how taking action can work in real life. The overall goal is to build an understanding of what you can do, how to work with different people in your community, how to choose appropriate tools to protect natural resources, and how to move from a desire to protect natural resources to an action that works locally.

This course in intended to be taken after Vermont’s Ecology and Environment, offered in Lamoille County last Fall. However, anyone is welcome to enroll.  Participants will be asked to watch a series of online, introductory videos prior to the course.

A suggested donation of $25 will benefit the Association of Vermont Conservation Commissions.

      Registration Required. Contact The training is a total of four hours, spread out over two nights. Please attend both nights.

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