Sue Morse presents “Animals of the North: What Will Global Climate Change Mean for Them?”

The Bolton Conservation Commission (BCC), the Association of Vermont Conservation Commissions and the High Meadows Fund presented: 'Animals of the North: What will Global Climate Change Mean for Them?' by Susan Morse, forester, wildlife ecologist and founder of Keeping Track, at Smilie Memorial School on October 4, 2017. Sue's powerpoint presentation about northern animals and the effect that our warming climate is having upon them was illustrated with her stunning, award-winning photography and followed by a question and answer session. The event was free and open to the public and attended by 20 people from 5 different towns, ages 8-80, including students, professionals, retirees, town government, animal lovers and outdoors people.

Some topics that came up during the Q and A were ticks, evidence of animals' adaptability to change and effects upon the local moose population in particular. Upon exiting people said they loved the awesome photography, even though one remarked she found the topic 'a little depressing.' Another said the level of photography made it personal, you felt like you knew the animals. One Bolton resident said he 'really appreciated the insight into local habitat and wildlife.' Our goal was to provide an educational outreach experience by a local wildlife expert at minimal cost to the BCC. By choosing the topic of climate change with respect to animals the hope was to disseminate information and help the public make informed choices.

Project Contact: Virginia Haviland
Project Contact Email:
Year Project Started: 2017
Year Completed: 2017
Project Lifespan: 2017
Bolton, Huntington, Jericho, Richmond, Waterbury
Regional Planning Commision: Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission
Citizen Science, Outreach, wildlife
Other Keywords: Susan Morse, Keeping Track
Project Accomplishments:

We were able to provide a free and open to the public event, Sue Morse's recent observations of the effects of climate change on northern animals, full of beautiful photography and timely information.

Project Partners:

Bolton Conservation Commission
Susan Morse
Keeping Track
Association of Vermont Conservation Commissions
Smilie Memorial School
High Meadows Fund

Critical to Success:

This program came to our attention when Sue Morse received grant funding from the High Meadows Fund that allowed her to offer certain presentations at a reduced price.


There were a couple other community events that night, as well as another Sue Morse talk in a neighboring town the same week. We were pleased with our turnout.

Associated Projects:
Keeping Track